Meet the Farmers

SHARON & MOLLY Photo: Gabrielle K. Murphy

SHARON WYRRICK started Many Forks Farm in the 2012 season as a 1/2 acre market garden and so the farm story began. Her own story is part of what led her to the farm’s name with her many forks previous to farming — a career in the performing arts as a choreographer, director, filmmaker and playwright, and community organizer in the areas of health, education and the arts. All along the way was the constant thread of obsessively growing vegetables while building her understanding of the relationship of food to good health, sustainable growing practices and soil health, and agricultural biodiversity. Twelve years after starting Many Forks, and approaching her 72nd birthday, she is passing the lead fork to Molly Comstock, the new farmer starting in the 2024 season.

MOLLY COMSTOCK grew up in rural upstate NY with a mother who grew all the vegetables for their family. After many travels, a BFA in photography and other careers, she finally found her way to farming in 2009. She has been farming for over a decade now, starting her own CSA and vegetable farm in 2012, Colfax Farm, on leased land using organic and no-till practices. For the past ten years, she has been a roving farmer, managing farms and growing food throughout the Hudson Valley and Berkshire regions in many beautiful places provided by caring, generous folks. Recently, and inspired by her own challenges in securing a farming home, she has been deeply involved in the issues of land affordability and land security for farmers. She was able to be at Many Forks Farm this past season, working part-time alongside Sharon, learning about the land and the farm, and collaborating on structuring a longterm protection plan, her eventual ownership of the farm, and her plans for leading the farm into its future.